Despicable Me 3: A Fun-Filled Animated Adventure for the Whole Family
Despicable Me 3 is the third installment in the popular Despicable Me franchise, which follows the adventures of Gru, a former super-villain turned secret agent, his wife Lucy, their three adopted daughters Margo, Edith and Agnes, and their loyal Minions. In this movie, Gru meets his long-lost twin brother Dru, who wants to team up with him for one last criminal heist. Meanwhile, they have to face a new enemy, Balthazar Bratt, a former child star who is obsessed with the 1980s and has a sinister plan to destroy Hollywood.
The movie is directed by Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin and Eric Guillon, and features the voices of Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Trey Parker, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Coogan, Jenny Slate, Dana Gaier and Julie Andrews. The movie was released in 2017 and received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. It was praised for its animation, humor and voice acting, but criticized for its weak plot and lack of originality. It was also a huge commercial success, grossing over $1 billion worldwide and becoming the fourth-highest-grossing animated film of all time.
If you are looking for a fun-filled animated adventure for the whole family, you can download Despicable Me 3 in English Mp4 Tamil format for free from this link[^3^]. This is a cracked version of the movie that has been uploaded by a user on a forum. However, be warned that this may not be a legal or safe way to watch the movie. You may encounter viruses, malware or other problems when downloading or playing the file. You may also be violating the copyright laws of your country by downloading or sharing pirated content. Therefore, we recommend that you watch the movie legally from authorized sources such as Movies Anywhere[^2^] or IMDb[^1^]. These platforms offer high-quality streaming or rental options for Despicable Me 3 and other movies.
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Some Fun Facts About Despicable Me 3
Despicable Me 3 is not only a hilarious and heartwarming movie, but also a movie full of interesting trivia and references. Here are some fun facts about Despicable Me 3 that you may not know:
This is the first Illumination film to be produced in a 2.40:1 widescreen aspect ratio; all of that company's previous films were produced in 1.85:1[^2^].
This is the first film in the Despicable Me series not to be released in July. It is also the first Illumination film to be released in June[^2^].
This is the first film that Gru didn't use Freeze Ray, despite he was holding, and then disarmed by Balthazar Bratt[^2^].
Steve Carell said that this movie may be his last as the voice of Gru. However, Carell stated that if he was asked to do a cameo in any future Minion sequels, he happily would. In Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022), Carell was confirmed to reprise his role as Gru[^1^].
Trey Parker stated that his daughter was a key factor in his decision to take the role of Balthazar Bratt. He said that she was almost two at the time and he thought it would be cool for her to \"actually watch something I've done.\" Parker is best know as co-Creator of South Park (1997), with partner Matt Stone[^1^].
The country in which Dru lives and from which Gru originates is the fictional European country of Freedonia. This is the same name as a similar fictional European country in the The Marx Brothers movie Duck Soup (1933). The name of the diamond Bratt tries to steal is the Dumont Diamond, named after Margaret Dumont, who played the recurring \"straight man\" character in a great many Marx Brothers movies, including Duck Soup (1933)[^1^].
Margo's shirt has The Grinch on it. This is a reference to Illumination's next movie[^1^].
There are two posters titled \"onions\" as a parody of the Minions poster. These can be seen towards the end in the Hollywood studios[^1^].
When the giant Balthazar Bratt robot is attacking Hollywood, K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider (1982) can be seen backing away[^1^].
The animated sequence at the first part of the end credits, in which Dru and Gru are trying to outdo one another, is a reference to the opening credits sequences of the classic \"Pink Panther\" movies[^1^].
These are just some of the many trivia and references that Despicable Me 3 has to offer. If you want to discover more, you can watch the movie again and look for them yourself. You can also check out IMDb's trivia page for more information[^1^]. Have fun! 0efd9a6b88